I recently saw a current affairs program on television about a woman who had Cerebral Palsy. She was fed up with her disability, so much so, that she wanted to follow the path of euthanasia and end her life of suffering.
In case you don't know what
Euthanasia is, it comes from the Greek word 'Good Death'. The Wikipedia on Euthanasia defines it as 'the practice of ending a life in a manner which relieves pain and suffering'.
I was shocked that this woman who was able to talk fluently about her choices, had resigned to take an easy way out. Now that may sound harsh and judgemental on my part. But hearing this story reminded me of the time I also wanted to give up on my life because of:
- extreme pain I was suffering;
- the side effects of strong medication I was taking;
- the emotional pain and suffering my family was going through because of my disability;
- doctors saying I could end up in a wheelchair.
This woman's story has compelled me to write about my story, causing me to reflect on what I was going through at that time and how I just wanted to end it all. I'm so glad now, that I didn't end my life, whether it be termed euthanasia or suicide.