When you hear the term disability you may think of people who are unable to do activities or assimilate in society. A disability can be physical, intellectual, mental, visual and hearing impairments.
Disability is a negative word which focuses on the limitations of what a disabled person can't do.
This may lead to a negative perception of disabled people within the community due to misinformation. Unfortunately some people in the community may view disabled people as a burden on society and its economies.
The term disability, can also have a negative impact on a disabled person, where he/she may feel unwanted, dejected and may focus more on what they can't do, rather than what they can do.
This opens a discussion to the question When is a disability not a disability?
If you break down the word 'disability'
For example 'dis' is 'a Latin prefix meaning “apart,” “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force'. This reflects on the negativity of the word disability – what you can't do.
'ability' refers to 'the quality or state of being able; power to perform, whether physical, moral, intellectual, conventional, or legal; capacity; skill or competence in doing; sufficiency of strength, skill, resources, etc.; in the plural, faculty, talent'. Ability has a far more positive reflection on the word disability. It focuses on what your ability. What you can do.
Rather than focus on the negativity of ones disability, it's better to focus on the positive aspects of ones ability.
As an example, here is a video about dogs who are paralysed. It's so sad when you see a disabled dog who can't run and play any more. In the past it was considered humane to put down a dog that has a disability. But with human ingenuity, wheelchairs were produced to give these dogs a good quality of life. Most importantly their lives were transformed, they were empowered and given the opportunity to enjoy the gift of life once again.
So why am I using the example of animals, when I'm talking about disabled people. In the video above you can see how happy the dogs were when they were empowered with a wheelchair to run and play again.
When you look at the example of people who are paralysed, their lives are also transformed when they use wheelchairs. They are not bed-ridden or house bound. They have the ability of mobility, where they can go out and associate, be accepted and included in their community.
As the video below shows, paralysed people can also drive a car. When you watch the video, you will see the joy on this young man's face. He is empowered with the skills and ability to drive a car.
By watching videos of disabled people who have a positive attitude about their abilities, this can have a positive influence on you. It gives you hope that if they can do it, you can do it too.
In regards to the question When is a disability not a disability? The answer is, when you focus on your ability.
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Dictionary.com 'dis'- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dis-
Accurate & Reliable Dictionary - 'ability' - http://ardictionary.com/Ability/293
Youtube - Walkin' Wheels Dog Wheelchair Movie Helps Handicapped Pets
Youtube - Wheelchair Car Transfer
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